Sen. Rick Scott to Question President Erdogan at White House on Turkey’s Relationship with Russia

November 13, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott will join President Trump for a meeting with Turkish President Erdogan at the White House. Senator Scott is urging President Trump to implement aggressive sanctions on Turkey, and released the following statement ahead of the meeting.


Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s clear that Turkey is not acting like a friend or ally right now. President Erdogan must answer for Turkey’s ongoing relationship with Russia. I’ve called on President Trump to implement aggressive sanctions against Turkey for purchasing the S-400 missile system from Russia, as required by law, and to re-evaluate Turkey’s membership in NATO, an alliance created to act as a bulwark against Russian aggression.

Today, I will ask President Erdogan the following:

  1. Why did Turkey purchase the S-400 missile system from Russia, knowing that it would result in sanctions from the United States under CAATSA?

  1. Why does Turkey believe it should continue to enjoy the protections of the NATO alliance if it continues to cozy up to Moscow?

  1. What is Turkey doing to help the United States fight terrorist elements and prevent further Russian intrusion in the Middle East?

Turkey’s relationship with Moscow should concern all of us, and unless President Erdogan agrees today to change course, Congress must consider taking further action.”
