Sen. Rick Scott: The Solution to Affordable Healthcare is Less Government, Not Medicare-for-All

November 13, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released an episode of his series in partnership with the Heritage Foundation: How Washington Wastes Your Money. See previous Washington Waste Wednesday features HERE.

Today’s episode covers the rising costs of healthcare – which became more expensive thanks to Obamacare. Premiums are up. Copays are up. Deductibles are WAY up. Now, the Socialist Democrats are proposing Medicare-for-All, which would ruin the Medicare system and throw 150 MILLION people off the private insurance they like. The solution to the crisis of healthcare costs is not more government participation, it’s less. That’s why Senator Scott is working on common sense solutions to provide quality healthcare at a price American families can afford.

See more in the video HERE or below.
