Senators Rick Scott, Josh Hawley and John Cornyn Introduce Legislation Condemning Communist China’s Human Rights Violations

October 31, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senators Rick Scott, Josh Hawley and John Cornyn introduced the Hong Kong Be Water Act condemning Communist China’s violation of human rights in Hong Kong. The legislation also calls for sanctions against the Hong Kong authorities and Communist Chinese government officials who are denying human rights to the people of Hong Kong under orders from President Xi.

Senator Rick Scott said, “During my trip to Hong Kong earlier this month, I met with protesters who are fighting to regain the freedom they were promised by Communist China. I heard horrible stories of police brutality, threats, and intimidation. As Americans, we cannot allow this to continue. I’m proud to sponsor the Hong Kong Be Water Act as we stand with the brave Hong Kongers fighting for freedom and basic human rights that are being suppressed by Communist China.”

Senator Josh Hawley said, “During my recent visit to Hong Kong I was alarmed by how quickly the situation has deteriorated. Protesters told me it was important to ‘be water’ -- meaning, move quickly and be fluid when confronted by police. Make no mistake about it: Hong Kong is rapidly becoming a police state. We must send a signal to the world that the United States will stand with Hongkongers as they stand up to the Chinese Communist Party.” 

The Hong Kong Be Water Act:

  • Condemns the Government of the People’s Republic of China for violating its obligations under the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

  • Calls for imposing Global Magnitsky sanctions against the Hong Kong and Chinese government officials – and those operating on behalf of or in cooperation with the same – responsible for suppressing or facilitating the suppression of Hong Kongers’ freedoms of speech, association, assembly, procession, and demonstration.

  • Calls for freezing the assets of Chinese nationals and state-owned enterprises who have contributed to the suppression of Hong Kongers’ freedoms of speech, association, assembly, procession, and demonstration.
