Senators Rick Scott, Steve Daines and Mike Braun: If Members of Congress Can’t Do Their Job, They Shouldn’t Get Paid

December 10, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senators Rick Scott, Steve Daines and Mike Braun wrote an op-ed in Fox News about their No Budget, No Pay proposal to prevent members of Congress from getting paid if they fail to pass a budget.

In the op-ed, Senators Scott, Daines and Braun wrote, “We come from the business world. In business, you create a budget. You control the rate of spending. You make sure to invest in priorities that strengthen your company’s future. And employees know that if they don’t do their work, then they don’t get paid.

Why should it be any different for Congress?

Withholding paychecks from members of Congress who fail to pass a budget is an important step to prevent government shutdowns, which hurt the economy and millions of everyday Americans. But it’s also an important step to promote fiscal responsibility.

If you’re a member of Congress – rich or poor – and you don’t believe that Congress can or should pass a budget every year, then go home. Quit. There are lots of other competent people who can have your job.

As senators on Capitol Hill, we represent the citizens of our states. When they don’t do their job, there are consequences. It’s time we make Washington just a little bit more like the real world.

Let’s pass ‘No Budget, No Pay.’”

Read the full op-ed in Fox News HERE.
