IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott and Sen. Mike Braun Fight to End Taxpayer-Funded Congressional Pensions

February 15, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, this week Senator Rick Scott and Senator Mike Braun introduced the End Pensions in Congress (EPIC) Act. Ending lucrative taxpayer-funded congressional pensions is a key component of Senator Scott’s 10-point plan to Make Washington Work for families, which includes implementing term limits and No Budget, No Pay legislation.

See more below.

The Hill: GOP senators introduce bill to end pensions for retiring lawmakers

“Republican Sens. Rick Scott (Fla.) and Mike Braun (Ind.) introduced a bill on Tuesday to end taxpayer-funded pensions for members of Congress. 

Braun introduced the No Budget, No Pay Act in January, which would cut off congressional salaries if Congress fails to pass a budget triggering a government shutdown. Scott co-sponsored that legislation.”

Washington Times: GOP senators Rick Scott, Mike Braun introduce bill to end congressional pensions

“Two Republican senators on Tuesday introduced legislation that would eliminate pensions for retiring members of Congress

‘When Congress failed to do their job and created the longest government shutdown in history, hardworking Americans were forced to go without pay while members of Congress were still collecting paychecks. That is wrong and is exactly why I’m fighting to reform Washington,’ Mr. Scott said in a statement. ‘It’s time for term limits and it’s time to make those in D.C. realize that the era of career politicians is over.’”

Florida Daily: Rick Scott: Time to End Congressional Pensions and Have Term Limits

“U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., is pushing a proposal to end congressional pensions.

‘Currently, members of Congress are eligible for their federal pension after just five years of service,’ Scott’s office noted. ‘The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. For example, career politician Nancy Pelosi has been in Congress for 33 years, and if she were to retire today, her annual taxpayer funded pension would be over $102,000. This legislation would end taxpayer-funded congressional pensions, aligning with President Trump’s agenda of draining the swamp in Washington.’”
