Sen. Rick Scott: Cuba Election is a Sham

February 22, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott made the following statement ahead of this weekend’s anniversary of the shoot down of the Brothers to the Rescue Aircraft and the sham election in Cuba.

“It is well documented that Raul Castro ordered the shooting of the Brothers to the Rescue planes 23 years ago, which killed Armando Alejandre, Jr., Carlos Costa, Mario de la Peña and Pablo Morales. It’s long past time to bring Raul Castro to justice for these deaths and horrific crimes against humanity. As we remember the victims on this solemn anniversary, I urge the Justice Department to initiate a thorough review for an indictment against Raul Castro for the murder of American citizens.

“The violence, instability and chaos in Latin America is directly tied to the oppressive Cuban Regime, which continues to prop up dangerous dictators throughout the region, including Maduro in Venezuela and Ortega in Nicaragua.

“As we continue to fight for free and fair elections, we must recognize Sunday’s vote to change the Cuban Constitution as a pathetic attempt by the regime to create the false appearance of democracy. We must stand with those fighting for the people of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, and that starts with calling this vote what it is: a sham designed to further oppress their people.”
