Sen. Rick Scott: Economic Sanctions on Venezuela Send Clear Message to Maduro: Your Time Is Up

January 28, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the announcement of the Treasury Department’s plan to impose additional economic sanctions on Venezuela.


Senator Rick Scott said, “I applaud President Trump and the Treasury Department for taking strong action to hold the Maduro regime accountable and cut off the funds they use to hold on to power. On Friday, I called for stricter sanctions on Venezuela, including a full ban on the sale of Venezuelan oil, and I am glad the administration is doing this. I also spoke with the President Friday night to convey my support. I’ve always supported strict economic sanctions on Venezuela and worked in Florida to prohibit state agencies from doing business with companies that benefit the Maduro regime.

“I had the honor of speaking with interim President Juan Guaidó this morning, and will always stand with those fighting for freedom and democracy in Venezuela. These sanctions send a clear message to Maduro that the United States is serious about its commitment to democracy in Venezuela and across the globe. Maduro’s time is up and he needs to step aside.”
