Sen. Rick Scott: U.S. Must Do Everything in Its Power to Save Venezuelan Families

February 6, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after Venezuelan soldiers backed by Nicolás Maduro began blocking humanitarian aid from entering the country.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Under Maduro’s horrendous dictatorship, families in Venezuela are forced to go without adequate food, water and medicine, and are in desperate need of help. Now, as interim President Juan Guaidó tries to put an end to the crisis and restore constitutional government, Maduro is blocking vital humanitarian aid in a desperate attempt to hold on to power.

“This is absolutely disgusting, and my heart breaks for our friends in Venezuela. The United States MUST do whatever is necessary to force Maduro aside and get these families the help they need to survive. Every option must be on the table to end the Maduro regime and free Venezuela from the oppressive Socialist dictatorship.”
