Sen. Rick Scott Votes to Support Our Strongest Ally Israel

January 28, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott voted to move forward on the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019. The bill finally overcame a weeks long Democratic filibuster.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Florida has maintained a strong relationship with Israel for many generations. As Governor, I took a stand against discrimination and prohibited state agencies and local governments from contracting with companies boycotting Israel. I was proud to support Senator Rubio’s Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019 tonight and will continue to advocate for strengthening the security of our strongest ally, Israel. Supporting Israel should never be a partisan issue, and I was shocked Chuck Schumer held this bill up. I’m glad the Democrats saw the light and finally allowed this bill to move forward.”

