Senator Rick Scott’s First Week in Congress

January 14, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott spent his first week in Congress outlining his plan to “Make Washington Work” – and that starts with getting government open. See below for some of last week’s interviews by the newest Senator from Florida.

Tampa Bay Times: Rick Scott: On the shutdown, the wall, stock buybacks and offshore drilling
Governor Rick Scott became Senator Rick Scott this week when he was sworn into his new job in Washington, D.C. He walked into a partial government shutdown and a fierce debate over President Donald Trump's demands for $5.7 billion for a wall on the southern border.

The Tampa Bay Times sat down with Scott on Thursday to discuss the shutdown as well as some of the issues he'll face in the Senate. Here's what Scott said.

News4Jax: Rick Scott: Congress shouldn't be paid during govt. shutdown 
“Though he’s only been in office for three days, U.S. Senator Rick Scott is already calling for action in response to the federal government shutdown.” 

Palm Beach Post: U.S. Sen. Rick Scott: Congress shouldn’t cash paychecks, either
“Many federal government workers will miss their first paycheck Friday — and U.S. Sen. Rick Scott says members of Congress shouldn’t get paid either.” 

Local10 News: Scott says Congress shouldn't get paid during government shutdown
“U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., is calling on members of Congress to furlough their paychecks during the government shutdown. Scott said Friday that the people of Florida ‘deserve a government that functions. Period.’” 

Telemundo51: Primeras declaraciones de Rick Scott como Senador 
“Dice que no hay razón para el cierre del gobierno y que las fronteras estén seguras.” 

Spectrum News: New Florida Senator Rick Scott: I Know I Have to Work Hard
“A day after his swearing in, Sen. Rick Scott is getting to work. … ‘I’m going to work hard. I’m going to work on building relationships and I’m going to take the time to learn the issues and how to get things done,’ Scott explained.” 

El Nuevo Dia: Rick Scott buscará atender temas relacionados a la isla
“El nuevo senador republicano por Florida habla sobre su llegada a Washington”