IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott Op-Ed: Secure borders or process – Democrats, Congress need to decide what really matters

March 1, 2019

Sen. Rick Scott: Secure borders or process – Democrats, Congress need to decide what really matters
FOX News
Op-Ed: Sen. Rick Scott
March 1, 2019

Excerpts below; read the full op-ed HERE.

President Trump campaigned on a promise to stop illegal immigration and secure the border. Some may not have liked his rhetoric or the way he chooses to talk about people – there were times when I certainly didn’t. But he won and now he’s keeping his promise to the American people.

Democrats, and some Republicans, are up in arms about his use of emergency powers to divert money to secure the border.

So, all Senators and Congressmen have to decide – which is more important?

Their long-held views regarding the proper processes by which decisions are made in Washington?

Or, their desire for America to have secure borders?

I can’t see how this is a hard decision to make. What is more important? The process? Or the policy?

I believe that the Democrats in Washington are badly out of step with the American public. Americans want secure borders, the national Democrat Party does not.

Americans also want results. The Democrat Party wants to argue about process.

I’ll stick with results.

Read the full op-ed HERE.
