IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Miami Herald: Sen. Scott Warns Venezuela Will Become ‘This Hemisphere’s Syria’ if Maduro Not Ousted

April 25, 2019

Sen. Scott warns Venezuela will become ‘this hemisphere’s Syria’ if Maduro not ousted
Miami Herald
Jim Wyss
April 25, 2019

Excerpts below; read the full article HERE.

“People in America don’t know how bad this is. They don’t know that people are dying of starvation,” the Republican senator told reporters in Bogotá. “This is genocide going on this hemisphere. We have to figure out how to get Maduro to leave.”

“Every country that says they care about the humanitarian crisis going on, they should team up with the United States and say ‘We are going to force the humanitarian aid into the country,’” he said.

“If we don’t figure out how to get Maduro out of there this is going to become Syria,” he said. “You have Russia, you have China, you have Hezbollah, you have Iran there [in Venezuela]. We are going to have a Syria. It’s going to be in our hemisphere. It’s going to be not that many miles away from Florida.”

“If we don’t solve Venezuela then you should assume that all the bad actors of the world will be in Venezuela and they will be causing problems in the entire southern hemisphere,” he added.
