IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Senators: Let’s Eliminate This ‘Hidden’ Student Loan Tax

June 11, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senators Rick Scott, Mike Braun, Kyrsten Sinema and Chris Coons introduced the Student Loan Tax Elimination Act of 2019 last week to reduce burdensome student debt by eliminating the "origination fee" on student loans.

Read more in the Forbes article, Senators: Let's Eliminate This 'Hidden' Student Loan Tax:

“…These U.S. Senators are uniting to eliminate a 'hidden' student loan tax that may be costing your thousands of dollars.

‘Our students deserve every opportunity to graduate college and pursue successful careers without mountains of debt,’ Scott said. ‘Throughout my time as Governor [of Florida], I focused on keeping college costs low so every Floridian could get an affordable education. In Florida, we’ve held the line on tuition for six years straight and increased the transparency of education expenses. Now, I’m proud to build on these efforts by supporting the Student Loan Tax Elimination Act so more students can afford a great education and pursue their dreams…’”

Read the full article in Forbes HERE.
