IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Resolution to Condemn Turkey’s Dealings with Russia

July 22, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott and Senator Todd Young introduced a resolution to condemn Turkey’s continued dealings with Russia. The resolution calls for sanctions against Turkey for purchasing the S-400 air and missile defense system from the Russian Federation and questions Turkey’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Read more below.  

Wall Street Journal: Lawmakers Press Trump on Sanctions Against Turkey:

“… Sen. Rick Scott (R., Fla.) and Sen. Todd Young (R., Ind.) proposed a resolution last week condemning Turkey’s decision to purchase the S-400 from Russia and called on the administration to impose sanctions against Turkey.

The sanctions would come under a sweeping 2017 law that bans transactions with Moscow’s defense and intelligence sectors. The law mandates that the president choose from among sanctions ranging from denial of visas to harsher measures such as banning dealings with the U.S. financial system….”

The Washington Post: White House invites GOP senators to meeting on potential sanctions against Turkey:

“… To that end, Sens. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and Todd C. Young (R-Ind.) introduced a resolution this week that condemns the purchase and calls on the administration to impose sanctions against Turkey. The resolution also outlines the ‘need for NATO member states to discuss the future role of Turkey in NATO given its engagement with Russia.’

In a statement, Scott said Turkey’s purchase ‘threatens our national security and the stability’ of the alliance. 

‘We cannot allow Russia — which tries to interfere in elections across the globe, supports (Nicolas) Maduro’s genocide in Venezuela, and threatens the peace and security of democratic nations — to interfere in Turkey,’ he said. ‘It is our responsibility to protect the safety of American families and our allies, and we must call upon members of NATO to determine if Turkey presents a danger to the alliance….’”

Reuters: U.S. Lawmakers Urge Trump to Sanction Turkey:

“… Republican Senators Rick Scott and Todd Young introduced a resolution calling for sanctions after Ankara began accepting delivery of an advanced Russian missile defense system last week, prompting the White House to announce it was removing Turkey from the F-35 fighter jet program.

If approved, the resolution from Scott and Young would call for ‘full implementation of sanctions under CAATSA,’ describing Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 air and missile defense system as a ‘direct and dire threat’ to U.S. security interests.

The resolution calls for the administration to convene talks at NATO to discuss threats posed by Russia and mull Turkey’s continued inclusion in NATO.…”
