Sen. Rick Scott to Spanish Foreign Minister: Spain, EU Nations Must Join U.S. to Bring Freedom to Venezuela

July 3, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell on how the United States and Spain can continue working together to support the fight for freedom for the people of Venezuela. Senator Scott also asked Foreign Minister Borrell to use Spain’s powerful voice to urge every EU nation to stand with the United States in the fight for freedom, and to impose significant sanctions on Venezuela and the Maduro Regime.

Last week, Senator Scott was in London and Brussels to meet with government officials and discuss the United States’ continued partnership with European countries and the importance of standing strong in the fight for freedom for the people of Venezuela.


Read the full letter HERE or below.


July 3, 2019


Josep Borrell
Foreign Minister of Spain


Dear Mr. Borrell:

First, I want to thank you for meeting with me during my recent visit to Spain. I enjoyed our discussion on how our countries can continue to support the fight for freedom for the Venezuelan people.


My father served in World War II, and was among the soldiers of the 82nd Airborne in Normandy who fought to free Europe from the yoke of tyranny and evil seventy-five years ago. The United States remains steadfast in our commitment to freedom and liberty across the globe, and I know Spain joins us in this common goal.


Right now in Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro’s ongoing acts of terror against his people has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in Latin American history. We cannot allow this evil to continue, and the United States is committed to doing everything we can to end Maduro’s ruthless regime. I know you share this belief as well.


Like you, I also believe that we all should be standing with the Venezuelan people, not with the people oppressing them. Thank you for recognizing Juan Guaidó as the legitimate President of Venezuela. This is a very important step, but we have to do more.


The United States has sanctioned over 100 persons and business entities in Venezuela in an effort to cut off funds to the Maduro regime. The European Union has also sanctioned individuals and businesses, but not nearly enough. I am aware of concerns that more sanctions could stall the talks hosted by Norway, but it is clear that Maduro does not view the talks as anything more than a chance to stall. We must not allow this to continue. As we work to support those fighting for freedom, I urge Spain and all European nations to join us and take a strong stand against Maduro, including sanctioning anyone in Spain using stolen Venezuelan assets.  


I ask that you use the powerful voice of Spain to urge the entire EU to employ a greater use of sanctions. We must force the Maduro regime to leave power peacefully and stop stealing from and oppressing the Venezuelan people, and your partnership in this fight is crucial. I know you, and Spain, can make a difference with the EU. I hope to speak with you soon to hear more about what Spain is doing to hold Maduro accountable.




Rick Scott

United States Senator

