IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in Newsweek: Biden Appointees are Weak on China

December 15, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for Newsweek on how the potential Biden administration’s foreign policy nominees and their tired ways of thinking have allowed Communist China to steal American technology and American jobs, and threaten our standing in the world. 

In the op-edSenator Rick Scott wrote, “Last month, Communist China's former vice minister for foreign affairs, Fu Ying, made clear what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) hopes to see from a potential Biden administration: a ‘join hands and cooperate’ approach, one that doesn't ‘point a finger at the Chinese system or take action against Beijing for its policies on domestic matters.’

What the CCP really means is that it wants America to turn a blind eye to the genocide it is now committing against the Uyghurs, the freedoms it is now stripping from the people of Hong Kong and its bellicose threats against Taiwan. The CCP wants an America that won't stand up for human rights—one that is simply a passive witness to the ruthless terror China will continue to bring upon its own people and the increasing global dominance that is a centerpiece of Xi Jinping's agenda.

Lucky for the CCP, it might have just that in a potential Biden administration.

The nominees—all with a history of appeasing adversaries around the world—are part of the strand of foreign policy elites who are more interested in placating the chattering classes in D.C., Davos and Brussels than in actually representing the American people. They exist in a bubble of group-thinkers who advocate the old, broken approaches to policy that cower to the interests of dictators like Castro, Maduro, Khamenei and Xi.

If we really care about the future of our country and standing for human rights around the world, we are going to have to take on Communist China and build upon the Trump administration's actions, not leave them behind.

To do otherwise would be a great show of weakness—one that the CCP will surely exploit.”

Read the full op-ed in Newsweek HERE.