Sen. Menendez, Senate Dems Block Sen. Rick Scott’s Resolution Reaffirming Commitment to the First Amendment and Religious Freedom

December 19, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor to ask unanimous consent for his resolution defending the First Amendment to the United States Constitution – the right to freely exercise one’s religion. This resolution, also sponsored by Senators Tillis, Wicker, Boozman, Cramer, Perdue, Rounds, Rubio, Blackburn, Cotton, Hoeven, Braun, Loeffler, Cruz, Hyde-Smith, Lankford, Barrasso, Paul, and Daines, was blocked by Senator Menendez.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Religious liberty is our first freedom under the Constitution of the United States. Every elected official takes an oath to support and defend our Constitution and the rights enshrined within it. We’ve seen liberal governors and mayors across the nation go after religious institutions throughout the pandemic, so my resolution simply reaffirms the right to freely practice religion. It is absolutely shameful that Senator Menendez would not only lie about what is happening in his state, but also refuse to stand with houses of worship, who are entitled to the Constitutional right to freely exercise their religion, by blocking my resolution today. I take my oath of office seriously, and I urge each of my colleagues to do the same. We know many Democrats don’t respect the religious freedoms of Americans, but this is a new low. We won’t let them chip away at our rights, and we will never stop fighting for the liberties of all Americans.”

FACT CHECK: Senator Menendez claimed the part of Senator Scott’s resolution that states New Jersey “prohibited or severely restricted indoor services by houses of worship because they were not deemed ‘essential,’ but commercial establishments like marijuana dispensaries and liquor stores were permitted to remain open” was inaccurate. 

That’s a lie.

Watch the exchange HERE or below.