Senator Rick Scott: The Venezuela Election Is Nothing More Than A Sham

December 7, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott made the following statement after yesterday’s election in Venezuela coordinated by Nicolas Maduro and his regime.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Nicolas Maduro cannot fool the people of Venezuela. He is a murderous dictator that doesn’t respect human rights or the will of his people. The appearance of democracy is not democracy. The world knows that this election, coordinated by the Maduro regime, is nothing more than a sham. The United States and freedom-loving countries around the world have recognized Juan Guaidó as the legitimate President of Venezuela, and this pathetic charade won’t end our unwavering support. Every nation needs to join us in denouncing the Maduro regime and fighting for freedom and democracy - and that starts with calling this vote what it is: a sham.”