IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen Rick Scott: We All Have a Role in the Re-opening of Our Economy

April 23, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Tampa Bay Times on his “Let’s Get Back to Work” plan, which outlines the roles and responsibilities of government, the private sector and individuals necessary to get Florida and the nation back to work.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote,As Americans discuss how to safely re-open the economy, in accordance with guidance from public health officials, one thing needs to be clear: We all have a part to play. State and local governments, business owners, families and federal agencies all have a role. If all of us take responsibility and create a clear plan, we can put our country and our economy back on a path to recovery.

The federal government plays a significant role in funding and supporting efforts to rebuild our economy. But we can’t rely solely on the federal government. Health care is a local delivery system in this country and all level of government, the private sector, and individual families play a role.

Business owners – large and small – and American families also need to do their part to plan for our economic recovery. Ultimately, it’s up to consumers themselves, not government, to decide when our economy gets back to its former strength. When Americans feel comfortable going to their favorite restaurant, flying on a plane, going to the movies, or going back to their job, our economy will be back.

That means every family must start thinking about what precautions they, their employer or their favorite businesses should take. Families need to make sure they have access to programs that address their direct needs. And business owners must ask themselves: Is proper social distancing possible in my store or factory? Do I have the necessary PPE and sanitizing products? Am I going to test employees and customers who enter or take everyone’s temperatures?

We can and we will come back better and stronger than before. America has faced many challenges in our 244-year history and we’ve always overcome them. It will not be easy – it will take strategic foresight, determination and diligence, and most importantly a commitment from everyone, but I know that after we heal the sick, we can also heal our broken economy and get back to work.”

Read the full op-ed in the Tampa Bay Times HERE.
