Sen. Rick Scott Calls for Investigation into Vaccine Distribution Mismanagement

January 7, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement calling for accountability following reports that MorseLife Health System, a nursing home and assisted-living facility in West Palm Beach, Fla., offered vaccines intended for residents to members of the board and major donors. 

Senator Rick Scott said, “I applaud the Administration’s tireless efforts to develop the vaccines and quickly distribute millions of doses to our states. Right now, the priority is getting these vaccines out to those that need it most. The first priority is our seniors and vulnerable population, and our healthcare and frontline workers. It is absolutely disgusting and immoral that anyone would take vaccines intended for nursing home residents to distribute them to their friends. This type of gross mismanagement will not be tolerated, and those responsible must be held accountable. We have to do everything possible to get this vaccine out in an efficient and fair manner, and I am calling for a full Congressional investigation into reports of improper vaccine distribution.” I