Sen. Rick Scott: Senate Democrats’ Spending Bills Highlight Biden’s Socialist Priorities

October 21, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, after Senate Democrats released the text of their spending bills, Senator Rick Scott issued the following statement highlighting the failures of these proposed budgets which attack pro-life protections and lay bare the socialist priorities of the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats which are devastating for Florida families.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Senate Democrats seem to be all in for big government and big debt and have shown they’ll do anything to fund a radical progressive wish list. Democrats in Washington continue down a path of radical tax-and-spend policies that waste American taxpayer dollars and fuel an already raging inflation crisis. The proposals introduced by Senate Democrats will have disastrous impacts for families in Florida and across the nation. These reckless proposals halt construction of the border wall at our southern border, even though we’ve already paid for the materials and arrests at the border have soared to an all-time high. They raise the budget of the inefficient and ineffective IRS by 14% so they can spy on the bank accounts of nearly every American. And they remove bipartisan pro-life protections, like the Hyde Amendment, which have been in place for more than four decades to prohibit taxpayer dollars from funding abortions, in a blatant attempt to force Floridians to fund the widespread destruction of life.


“Shockingly, as threats from Communist China and other dangerous regimes grow more serious, Democrats want to shortchange our military, failing to give it enough funding to even keep up with their inflation crisis. While Democrats want to increase domestic spending by 13% to fund their liberal priorities, they only propose a 5% increase for defense spending – again, not even enough to keep up with inflation. There’s no question that this proposal is completely unfit for serious consideration. At a time when American families, especially those on low and fixed incomes, are suffering from inflation there is no time to play games and pretend we have unlimited funds to pay for a reckless, socialist tax-and-spending spree.”

