IN CASE YOU MISSED IT…Sen. Rick Scott: We Must Enhance Border Security and Provide Permanent DACA Protection

February 2, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, ahead of President Biden’s series of executive actions on immigration, Senator Rick Scott announced his intent to file a bill to provide funding and resources needed to secure America’s Southern border, and offer a permanent solution for individuals registered in and eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Senator Rick Scott said, “One of the most moving experiences of my life has been watching new American citizens say the pledge of allegiance at their nationalization ceremony. I’ve always said that getting immigration reform done becomes a lot easier once our border is secure and we have a permanent solution for DACA. Today, I am proud to announce that I am filing a bill that provides a permanent solution to the many people in the DACA program and provides tens of billions of dollars in long-term funding for our Southern border wall and border security personnel. My proposal will give our law enforcement and border patrol the resources they need to do their job, protect American families and stem the tide of the rampant and unyielding illegal immigration we’ve seen for decades at the Southern border. President Biden’s plan of open borders and amnesty isn’t about practical reforms – it’s a radical and dangerous subversion of law and order. We can and must do better.

“American innovation and our unique culture has been built on legal immigration. But, for too long, politicians in Washington have refused to address the issue of illegal immigration head-on, and we can’t ignore it anymore. Doing so is reckless and unfair to the American people, kills American jobs, and prevents countless families from pursuing the opportunity to chase their American Dream. It’s time to come together and finally bring a sensible solution forward.”
