IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in Fox News: Rethink China relationship – here's how to advance US and global interests, security

March 12, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an


What I am proposing is straightforward and achievable.


First, we must acknowledge what has worked in our efforts to ensure fair trade and keep policies in place that hold Communist China accountable.


Next, the U.S. has to take decisive steps to strategically remove Communist China from our supply chain while supporting the return of critical industries to American shores and promoting buy-American policies.


Third, we must engage the international community and secure the full support of our allies to create a maximum pressure campaign on Communist China until it comes into compliance with all U.S. and international trade laws.


Finally, the U.S. must lead the world and take bold action to shine a light on and demand an end to Communist China’s egregious human rights abuses and the horrific genocide it is committing on its own people.



While decoupling must begin now, we know it’s not a process that will be completed overnight, and supply chains must readjust to and remove themselves from the grasp of the Chinese Communist Party.


Knowing that Communist China needs to live up to its agreements, the U.S. must lead the world in demanding the full enforcement of all U.S. and international trade laws. Organizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO) can no longer sit in the pocket of Communist China and the Biden administration must insist that the WTO enforce trade practices fairly.




The United States and so many countries around the globe stand for freedom and democracy for all people. Now we must unify and lead the important effort to accomplish this common goal, put American jobs and workers first, and counter the harm and unfair trade practices of Communist China that have been ignored for decades.”

Read the full op-ed in Fox News ###