Sen. Rick Scott Outlines Priorities in Letter to Energy Secretary Granholm

March 31, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm outlining his priorities for the department to promote polices that advance U.S. energy policy, address climate change without destroying jobs, and support projects that have a positive return on investment for American taxpayers. In his letter, Senator Scott also discusses the need for the U.S. to secure its power grid and protect Americans from the growing threat of Communist China.

Read the Senator’s letter HERE or below.

March 31, 2021

The Honorable Jennifer Granholm

Secretary of Energy

U.S. Department of Energy

1000 Independence Ave., Southwest

Washington, D.C. 20585

Dear Secretary Granholm:

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me prior to your confirmation. I appreciated discussing the importance of addressing climate change while growing our economy and protecting American jobs, as well as ensuring the maximum return on investment for American taxpayers on government-funded projects.

During my time as Governor of Florida, the state made tremendous progress to protect and preserve Florida’s environment for generations to come. Annual investments to protect our iconic beaches, pristine springs and the Florida Everglades increased by $1 billion. We worked in a bipartisan fashion and included stakeholders from across the state to do what’s best for Florida’s environment and hold polluters accountable – all while growing the economy and supporting massive job growth for Florida families.

This playbook can and should be replicated at the federal level. Unfortunately, President Biden’s recent executive actions, including cancelling the Keystone Pipeline and rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, have put our nation on an unsustainable path. Instead of fueling investments in what matters most to families, these actions will come at the expense of thousands of jobs. Radical proposals like the Green New Deal make America less energy independent and will hurt our economy, kill jobs, harm small businesses and burden American families with excessive, unrealistic regulations. The American people deserve a better approach and you have a great opportunity in your new role to craft policy that strikes a pragmatic balance in strengthening our energy independence through innovation while maintaining a robust economic outlook

I was also deeply troubled by President Biden’s executive order suspending President Trump’s action to block Communist China’s involvement in the U.S. power grid. This new order places our national security at risk by opening the door for Communist China to integrate their own networks and steal American information and intellectual property. As the Secretary of Energy, you must put American families and our national security first, and work to preserve the integrity of our power grids. I hope that we are able to work together to secure America’s power grid and protect Americans from the growing threat of Communist China.

I have also introduced the Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act to prohibit Federal funds from being used to buy solar panels manufactured or assembled in Communist China, specifically the Xinjiang province, which is known for its use of forced labor. This issue has broad support, and I hope that we can work together to prevent the use of taxpayer funds from contributing to Uyghur forced labor via solar panel manufacturing.

As a former Governor, I am sure you understand the value of growing the economy and creating jobs. I expect that as Secretary of Energy, you will promote polices which advance U.S. energy policy, address climate change without destroying jobs, and support projects that have a positive return on investment for American taxpayers.


Rick Scott

United States Senator
