VIDEO RELEASE: Senate Democrats Block Sen. Rick Scott Bill to Save $2 Billion from Being Wasted on Stimulus Checks to Inmates

March 17, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott introduced legislation to reverse the reckless decision by Senate Democrats to waste $2 billion of American taxpayer money by sending $1,400 to stimulus checks to state and federal inmates. This provision was tucked into the $1.9 trillion “COVID” spending bill passed earlier this month without a single Republican vote. Passage of Senator Scott’s bill was blocked by Senate Democrats.

On Monday, Senator Scott sent a letter to the Acting Director of Office of Management and Budget urging President Biden to request the rescission of more than $668 billion in misguided, non-COVID related expenditures contained in the $1.9 trillion package.

See more in Senator Scott’s speech on the Senate floor HERE or below.
