IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in the Florida Times-Union: Don't Let Democrats Raise Your Taxes

April 26, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Florida Times-Union on President Biden’s liberal tax and spend agenda and his broken promise not raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000. In his piece, Senator Scott highlights that the president has already broken this promise by sneaking a tax hike on gig workers and the self-employed.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “Joe Biden sold the American people a lie. It’s a lie he told over and over during his campaign. During a May 2020 interview with CNBC, then-candidate Joe Biden said, ‘Nobody making under $400,000 bucks would have their taxes raised. Period. Bingo.’ Biden has repeated this claim countless times on debate stages and in interviews. He promised middle-class Americans he wouldn’t raise their taxes.

It didn’t take long for Biden’s tax lie to begin to unravel. Last month, I stood on the Senate floor and proposed an amendment striking down a tax increase that Democrats quietly tucked into Biden’s massive and wasteful “COVID” spending package. That’s right – the same package that dedicated less than 10% of its funding to fighting COVID-19 and less than 1% to vaccines also contained a tax hike on gig workers and the self-employed.

As part of Biden’s recently announced $2 trillion “infrastructure” package, the president is proposing $2 trillion in new taxes to pay for it. Now there are reports that Biden is also back to considering increasing the gas tax even after Secretary Buttigieg claimed it was “of the table” not once, but twice.

Here are the facts. Tax increases don’t create jobs. Tax increases don’t provide sustainable government revenue. Tax increases don’t solve problems. I know this because we didn’t need a single tax increase to turn Florida’s economy around following the Great Recession. In fact, as Governor of Florida, I signed nearly 100 tax cuts into law and cut nearly 5,400 burdensome regulations to help spur economic growth. The result? Over the course of my eight-year administration, Florida’s economy boomed and businesses created more than 1.7 million new private sector jobs – each helping a hardworking family live their dreams in my state.

The Democrats’ tax and spend agenda is real. Believe it.

The Democrats lied when they said they wouldn’t raise your taxes. Believe it.

The Democrat Party that once claimed to stand for working Americans is dead. Believe it.”

Read the full op-ed in the Florida Times-Union HERE.
