IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in the Washington Times: No Need to Raise Taxes to Fund Infrastructure and Protect the Environment

April 22, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Washington Times on how President Biden should ditch his wasteful $2 trillion “infrastructure” package, which would ultimately be paid for by taxes increases on Americans, and only devotes eight percent of funding to traditional infrastructure. Senator Scott urges Biden to reject tax increases and instead follow Florida’s playbook of growing the economy to fund critical projects.


In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “Democrats in Washington have a big problem when it comes to explaining their policies. Over the years, they have come to rely on a false equivalence between massive spending, higher taxes, and progress. The latest example of this came just a few weeks ago as President Biden rolled out his massive $2.5 trillion so-called “infrastructure” plan funded by, you guessed it, $2 trillion in tax increases. That’s Democrat politics in a nutshell. Their answer to every problem is higher taxes, bigger government bureaucracies, and endless deficit spending. It doesn’t work and it’s going to kill the American dream.


Of the more than $2 trillion he’s asking for, just $157 billion, less than 8%, would go toward traditional infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, highways, air and seaports, and waterways. The other 92% simply funds liberal wish list priorities sloppily banded together as “infrastructure” initiatives. It’s a joke.


As Governor of Florida, I oversaw the investment of $85 billion in critical and innovative infrastructure projects. The difference in what we did in Florida and what Biden wants? We funded roads, bridges, and ports and never raised taxes once to do it. That’s because we focused on cutting taxes and eliminating burdensome regulations and fought every day to create an environment where the private sector could succeed. We invested in real infrastructure to create real jobs. By doing this, we allowed the private sector to do what it does best innovate and grow. As a result, our economy boomed and it resulted in the state having the funds to invest in what matters to taxpayers, like improving education, protecting the environment, and funding infrastructure improvements. This playbook worked in the Sunshine State and it will work for America.


My advice to Biden and Democrats in Washington is simple. Ditch this insane tax and spend agenda and follow Florida’s proven playbook for economic success.”


Read the full op-ed in the Washington Times HERE.

