Sen. Rick Scott Applauds G7 Foreign Ministers for Standing Up to Communist China

May 6, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after G7 foreign ministers urged Communist China to refrain from ramping up “tensions” in the East and South China Seas amid concern about open conflict with Taiwan, scolded China for their human rights abuses and backed Taiwan’s “meaningful participation” in the World Health Organization and the World Health Assembly.

This action follows Senator Scott’s Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act to further reinforce the U.S.-Taiwan relationship and strengthen Taiwan’s ability to resist Communist China’s aggressive policies and military actions, and his World Health Organization (WHO) Accountability Act to hold the WHO responsible for its role in helping Communist China cover up information regarding the threat of the coronavirus and withhold American taxpayer dollars from the WHO until it accepts Taiwan as a member state.

Senator Scott has also sent letters to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and G7 members including British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urging them to join global efforts to move the 2022 Olympic Games out of Communist China and to a nation that respects human rights.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I applaud the action by the G7 foreign ministers to stand up to Communist China’s overreach and grotesque human rights abuses, and join the U.S. in our commitment to Taiwan. Earlier this year, I introduced the WHO Accountability Act to hold them accountable and urge the acceptance of Taiwan as a member state. It’s time that the Senate passes this important legislation.

It is no secret that General Secretary Xi is bent on world domination. The United States and the world community cannot sit back and let this happen, and that starts with supporting our peaceful and democratic partner Taiwan. We all must join together in the fight for freedom and human rights, and make clear to General Secretary Xi that his genocide and oppression won’t be tolerated.”

