VIDEO RELEASE DHS Secretary Mayorkas Dodges Sen. Rick Scott’s Questions on Border Security

May 13, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, during a hearing of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Senator Rick Scott questioned Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the ongoing national security and humanitarian crisis on our southern border created by President Joe Biden’s failed policies of open borders and amnesty. Secretary Mayorkas refused to provide clear answers on how the administration is enforcing U.S. immigration laws and taking action to protect American families.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Today, I asked for simple answers from DHS Secretary Mayorkas on how DHS and the Biden Administration are enforcing current immigration law and keeping drugs and potentially dangerous, illegal aliens who have been convicted of serious crimes, out of our nation. He dodged my questions and, following the lead of President Biden and Vice President Harris, is hiding from the facts. That’s unacceptable.

“Yesterday, I was joined by number of Senators and local officials from border states to highlight the absolute crisis on our southern border and how it’s putting American families and our brave CBP officials at risk. It seems obvious to everyone outside of Washington, D.C. that there’s a crisis, especially those on the frontlines of our border communities who see it every day. So why does President Biden and his administration refuse to take responsibility for the crisis they created with reckless open border and amnesty policies? The American people deserve accountability, and to know that our border is secure and their families are being protected. I won’t accept anything less.”

See more from the hearing HERE or below.
