PHOTO RELEASE Sen. Rick Scott Meets with Venezuelan Delegation of the Interim President Juan Guaidó

June 23, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott held a meeting with the members of the interim government of Venezuela, represented by Ambassador Carlos Vecchio, opposition leader Leopoldo López, Congresswoman Nora Bracho and Congressman Luis Emilio Rondón Hernández to discuss the urgent need for a democratic and peaceful transition of power in Venezuela.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Nicolas Maduro is a dictator that is committing genocide in Venezuela. The only thing we have to negotiate with Maduro and his thugs is when and how they are stepping down from power. Today, I met with the Venezuelan Delegation of interim President Juan Guaidó to discuss a path forward away from Maduro’s dictatorship and achieve a democratic and peaceful transition of power. We can never let up in the fight for freedom and democracy in Venezuela and we cannot go back to the Obama-Biden appeasement policies, that only empower the dictatorship. All of my efforts will continue to focus on ending Maduro’s regime, protecting human rights and helping the Venezuelan people achieve freedom and democracy.”

