Sen. Rick Scott to Biden & Harris: Communist Cuba is Major Cause of Instability in Latin America

July 29, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott issued the below statement following the release of the White House’s new report, Strategy to Address the Root Causes of Migration in Central America, which completely fails to mention the influence of the illegitimate communist Cuban regime on instability in Latin America. Earlier this week, Senator Scott pressed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on when the Biden administration will address the Cuban regime’s violence against its people and actions to create instability throughout Latin America.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The Biden administration’s utter failure to address the massive border crisis it created is remarkable. First, President Biden fueled his border crisis with failed policies of open borders and amnesty – driving apprehensions at the border to record highs. Now, Vice President Harris, the so-called ‘Border Czar,’ has again missed the mark in her new report. The illegitimate communist Cuban regime is undermining democracy throughout Latin America, yet Harris’ report doesn’t mention Cuba once. As the communist Cuban regime continues to prop up the dictatorships of Maduro in Venezuela, Ortega in Nicaragua and narco-terrorists throughout the region, it spreads its tyranny, oppression and violence like wildfire. Biden and Harris need to wake up. Continuing to ignore the facts will do nothing but bring more suffering to families in Latin America and across the United States as their border crisis rages on.”
