Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues Write to Leader McConnell: “No Additional Spending…”

November 30, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Mike Braun in delivering a letter to Leader Mitch McConnell expressing the need to pass a short-term Continuing Resolution that funds the federal government ONLY until shortly after the 118th Congress is sworn in.


The senators said, “The undersigned stand with the voters. We believe it would be both imprudent, and a reflection of poor leadership, for Republicans to ignore the will of the American people and rubber stamp an omnibus spending bill that funds ten more months of President Biden’s agenda without any check on his reckless policies that have led to a 40-year high in inflation. Since taking office, President Biden has overseen a $4.8 trillion increase in the national deficit, costing the average American household an estimated $753 more a month. It should be up to the new Congress to set spending priorities for the remainder of this fiscal year.”

The Senators concluded their letter by stating, “Now is the time for Republicans to get serious about leading America towards a better future. The current Continuing Resolution funds the federal government through December 16, 2022. We must not accept anything other than a short-term Continuing Resolution that funds the federal government until shortly after the 118th Congress is sworn in. No additional spending, no additional policy priorities should be included. Any urgent items that require the Senate’s attention should be considered separately and under their own terms.”


