Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

November 4, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. Earlier this week, the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ September Personal Consumer Expenditures (PCE) release showed prices paid by consumers for goods and services rose 6.2% over the year. This data shows how President Biden’s inflation crisis, caused by his and Democrats’ socialist policies and reckless government spending, continues to shrink budgets for families as the prices of everyday goods continue to skyrocket. Additionally, it was reported that by 2025, America’s debt will be so high, the tax dollars spent on interest payments on the debt will surpass the amount spent on national defense and the U.S. military. Senator Scott has been warning about the dangers of rapidly rising federal debt for years. Following these announcements earlier this week, Senator Scott released the following statement.


Senator Rick Scott said, “While Biden lies about the state of the economy, Americans are experiencing some of the highest inflation in their lifetime with no end in sight. And just like Joe Biden, the failed liberal politicians in Washington and media elites in New York and DC are happy to look the other way as American families suffer every day due to this president’s failures. Record-breaking inflation, sky-high mortgage rates, horribly low labor participation, increasingly burdensome government regulation, rising energy costs… it’s all the result of Joe Biden’s war on American workers, our energy independence and the innovation that makes our country great. While the ruling class ignores this reality, hardworking Americans are making clear that they are FED UP with out-of-touch Joe Biden and his incompetence. I hear them loud and clear. I grew up in a poor family and watched my mom struggle to make ends meet and keep food on our table. It makes me FURIOUS to see this president push the American dream out of reach for families like mine growing up. America should always be the land of opportunity and I won’t stop fighting to end Biden’s radical, socialist agenda and return power back to the American people.”


Since being elected to the U.S. Senate, Senator Scott has repeatedly urged action to address America’s debt crisis and the harmful effects of inflation. Click HERE for a comprehensive list of his statements and actions on this urgent issue. 


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