IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sens. Rick Scott and Mike Lee in Fox News: US can't afford Pelosi-Schumer spending bomb: We demand continuing resolution until new Congress

December 13, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, as Congress considers spending bills ahead of government funding expiring on Friday, December 16, Senators Rick Scott and Mike Lee wrote an op-ed for Fox News demanding the passage of a clean continuing resolution (CR) that extends government funding until after the new Congress begins in 2023.


Their newly published op-ed echoes their sentiments from earlier this year expressed in both a previous op-ed and a letter stressing the need for Republicans to unite behind a clean government funding bill that simply maintains current federal spending bills until a new Congress begins in January 2023. 


In their new op-ed, the Senators wrote, “Back in September, we wrote in these pages about our disgust with reckless spending in Washington and the historic inflation it was forcing on American families. In that Op-Ed, we made clear that for the spending to stop, Republicans must unite in opposing another spending bill and demand that we pass a continuing resolution (CR) that simply maintains current federal spending levels—and not a penny more—until a new Congress begins.


Now, with the government funding deadline just days away and the start of a new Republican majority in the House coming in mere weeks, we again demand fiscal responsibility and urge our colleagues to stand strong in opposing the Pelosi-Schumer spending bill.


For nearly two years, we’ve seen the devastating impact of total Democrat control in Washington and heard from countless families in our states about the pain it’s causing them at home and in their businesses. That’s why the American people sent an unmistakable message in the November midterm elections, making clear that they want a Republican-led House to serve as a check on the unfettered spending of the current Democrat-controlled Congress.


To understand why, let’s reflect for a moment on what the last two years of total Democrat control in Washington have delivered to hardworking families:


The national debt has grown by nearly $5 TRILLION to an insane $31 TRILLION, causing record inflation that is nearly four times higher than the Federal Reserve target of 2%.


…Washington Democrats have worked to raise taxes on nearly every American while recklessly spending $80 BILLION so the IRS can hire 87,000 new agents to target working families and small businesses. Worse still, Democrats are now forcing every American to report any transaction of $600 or more to the IRS, giving the federal government unprecedented access into the personal finances of American families.

And there is a historically uncontrolled humanitarian and national security crisis on America’s southern border due to Biden’s radical open border and pro-amnesty policies…


Given these Democrat “achievements,” it would be a blatant dereliction of our duty for Senate Republicans to allow Chuck Schumer to ram through a so-called “omnibus” bill…


In fact, since 1954, control of the House has changed five times and there has NEVER been an instance of Congress passing an omnibus spending bill before a new House majority takes power.


It’s time for Republicans to stand together and force Democrats to compromise. We cannot cave and give Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., a multitrillion-dollar gift right after she’s been fired as speaker of the House. To ignore the clear results of the recent election by locking in and fully funding the Pelosi-Schumer spending agenda just weeks before the new Congress begins would be an unforgivable betrayal of the will of American voters.



Read the full op-ed in Fox News HERE.

