Sen. Rick Scott: Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Democrats Must Stop Appeasing Communist Cuban Regime

December 19, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott continued his calls for the oppressive, illegitimate Castro/Díaz-Canel regime to finally release the Cuban freedom activists its holding as political prisoners and subjecting to mistreatment and violence. Last week, following more than a year of urging from Senator Scott, President Joe Biden finally issued a statement calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners who have been held since the July 11th protests. Immediately after this statement was released, Senator Scott received alarming reports that José Daniel Ferrer was beaten in front of his family during their recent visit with him. Following these horrific actions by the regime’s thugs, Senator Scott again reached out and spoke to Archdiocese of Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General Luis Almagro and the United Nations (UN) Secretary General António Guterres to urge coordinated calls for the release of all political prisoners and condemnation of the Cuban regime’s human rights crimes and brutal oppression.


Senator Rick Scott said, “What the oppressive, illegitimate Castro/Díaz-Canel regime is doing to the freedom-loving people of Cuba is disgusting. Yet Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats continue to give the regime the validation it wants with appeasement and gross photo ops that help it hide the brutal oppression its forcing on the Cuban people. Recently, we learned that Díaz-Canel’s thugs beat freedom activists José Daniel Ferrer in front of his wife, daughter and young son. These thugs beat a husband and father in front of his family, in front of his children – and just days before, Democrat members of Congress traveled there to shake hands and smile for photos. THIS APPEASEMENT IS WEAK, DISGUSTING, ENABLING THE TORTURE OF POLITICAL PRISONERS AND IT MUST END NOW. The Biden administration must stand with us and match its words with actions and stop its weak appeasement of the illegitimate regime. The freedom-loving people of Cuba and the wrongfully imprisoned July 11th protestors depend on this. If the Biden administration truly supports a new day of freedom for Cuba, actions to support the Cuban people, like supplying internet and reinstating sanctions, must be taken to denounce this brutal action and condemn the Cuban Communist regime.”


Even as the illegitimate Castro/Díaz-Canel regime beats freedom activists, Congressional Democrats are working with the regime to advance the Biden administration’s appeasement policies. See Senator Scott’s tweet HERE and below.



Since the July 11 demonstrations began, Senator Rick Scott has released the following statements condemning the Castro/Díaz-Canel regime’s brutal oppression of the Cuban people and demanding the Biden administration take action:

