Sen. Rick Scott: Bidenflation is Pushing More Americans to Take on Multiple Jobs

December 2, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, following the November jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Senator Rick Scott released the below statement slamming President Biden’s inflation crisis which is pushing more families to the brink as they fight to make ends meet. The November BLS report shows that the number of Americans working multiple jobs has increased by 596,000 over the past year.


Senator Rick Scott said, “When anyone, especially a parent, is working multiple jobs, it’s incredibly hard on a family. I know that firsthand. Growing up, my family lived in public housing and struggled to get by. My mom was strong and did everything she could for us, but to make ends meet, she often took on odd jobs, leaving her with less time to spend at home with us as kids. This jobs report is proof that what my family lived through is now a reality for hundreds of thousands more Americans. It shows that nearly 600,000 more Americans have had to take on multiple jobs over the last year to keep up and make ends meet. That means there are nearly 600,000 more Americans that are spending more time on the job and less time with their family, children and loved ones at home. It’s an unacceptable result of President Biden raging inflation crisis, and we can’t let it become permanent. That’s why I’ve spent every day over the last two years fighting to stop Washington Democrats’ reckless tax-and-spend agenda, and make Congress to pass a balanced budget that forces the federal government to live within its means. Until that happens, inflation will never go away. Families are hurting and it’s time for Washington to stop recklessly spending and start working for the American people.”

