Sen. Rick Scott: Without My & Sen. Lee's Title 42 Amendment, No Republican Should Support Pelosi-Schumer Spending Bill

December 22, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement ahead of the Senate’s vote to consider his and Senator Mike Lee’s amendment to the massive and reckless $1.7 trillion Pelosi-Schumer Spending Bill that would extend Title 42 which allows for the expedited deportation of migrants who illegally cross the border. President Biden's open border policies have led to five million illegal border crossings since he took office less than two years ago. Administration officials have stated that the border crisis will only worsen following Title 42's expiration. 


Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s no secret that the crisis at the United States’ southern border is raging out of control – and I’m afraid it’s about to get a lot worse with President Biden and Washington Democrats allowing Title 42 to end. That’s why Senator Mike Lee and I proposed a common sense amendment to extend Title 42, which may be the only policy standing between the current crisis on our border devolving into utter chaos and a total lack of control. The alternative amendment being offered by Democrats is woefully inadequate and continues their open border policies, prioritizing processing people who already crossed the border illegally instead of preventing illegal immigration in the first place. Some of my Republican colleagues support the omnibus, but if this massive, $1.7 trillion reckless spending bill proceeds without Senator Lee and my amendment, no Republican can justify voting for its passage. The incompetent Biden administration and Secretary Mayorkas clearly have no plan to secure the border and are happy to ignore this crisis, but our border patrol agents don’t have that same luxury – they need support and resources NOW to address this crisis and protect our communities.”

