IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in Miami Herald: We Must Stand with the Jewish Community Against Anti-Semitic Acts

February 9, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Miami Herald condemning recent anti-Semitic attacks, highlighting his commitment to the Jewish community and supporting our ally Israel. 


In the op-edSenator Rick Scott wrote, “In January, I had the honor of meeting with rabbis and Jewish community leaders in Palm Beach.


While it was wonderful to talk about the growth of Florida’s Jewish communities, we were also saddened to discuss the constant threats they face.


Swastikas have been drawn on restaurants and car windows. Threats have been made to Jewish day schools.


Our Jewish neighbors are increasingly worried about their safety.


Supporting Israel and Jewish communities should not be a partisan or a political issue. As Florida’s governor, I was proud to propose, fight for and secure bold action to confront anti-Semitism and keep families safe. In the U.S. Senate, I’ve continued to proudly stand with Israel, supported its right to defend itself and fought for legislation that blocks the United States from reentering the disastrous Iran nuclear deal and stops any U.S. tax dollars from getting into the hands of Hamas terrorists. We cannot deny the fact that the ayatollah and the evil Iranian regime actively advocate for the destruction of Israel.


In Florida and across America, we must continue to make clear that we stand with the Jewish community and fight against anti-Semitism anywhere it is found.


We will continue to proudly stand by their side for generations to come.”


Read the full op-ed in the Miami Herald HERE.

