IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… We Will Never Forget Them: Sen. Rick Scott Honors Victims of Parkland Shooting on Senate Floor

February 14, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, Senator Rick Scott introduced a resolution with Senator Marco Rubio honoring the fourth anniversary of the tragic shooting that took 17 innocent lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The resolution unanimously passed the Senate.  


Read Senator Scott’s remarks as prepared for delivery below, or watch his remarks HERE.


“Almost four years ago, on February 14, 2018, the world witnessed a senseless attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.


I’m proud to join my colleague, Senator Rubio, to introduce this resolution which honors the 17 victims of the tragic shooting.


Alyssa Alhadeff.

Scott Beigel.

Martin Duque Anguiano.

Nicholas Dworet.

Aaron Feis.

Jaime Guttenberg.

Chris Hixon.

Luke Hoyer.

Cara Loughran.

Gina Montalto.

Joaquin Oliver.

Alaina Petty.

Meadow Pollack.

Helena Ramsay.

Alex Schachter.

Carmen Schentrup.

Peter Wang.


I often think of these innocent lives, who were lost too early.


They were sons, daughters, parents and partners. Some were educators, athletes, musicians - many of them just kids, with a life full of promise ahead of them.


My heart breaks knowing they’ll never get to pursue their dreams, and that their families will always have a piece of their heart missing.


Since that horrific day, I’ve worked closely with many of the victims’ families to ensure no family has to experience that again.


While I was Governor, we passed the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act to make sure our state does everything possible to ensure this does not happen again.


Now as Senator, I’m fighting for improvements on the federal level, including the Luke and Alex School Safety Act, named after Luke Hoyer and Alex Schachter, which builds on our work to keep schools safe.


I’m also working with my colleagues to pass the bipartisan EAGLES Act, which improves school safety for students and teachers and provides more resources to law enforcement to prevent future tragedies from happening.


While we can’t bring back the lives lost on that tragic day nearly four years ago, I will always work to honor them, and do everything in my power to protect our students and educators, and ensure they have a safe environment to learn and succeed.”

