Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Bill to Ban IRS From Collecting Taxpayer Biometric Data

February 8, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott introduced the Ban IRS Biometrics Act that would ban the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from requiring taxpayers to submit biometric data such as “selfie” style face scans to log-in to accounts, access refunds and file taxes. While the IRS has now claimed it will not further pursue this plan, the American people cannot ignore the concerns that this gross invasion of privacy raises regarding the collection and security of catalogued data on every American taxpayer – especially following previous IRS data breaches which leaked the confidential personal data of U.S. taxpayers. Senators Mike Braun, Ted Cruz, Joni Ernst, Josh Hawley, John Kennedy and Tommy Tuberville are cosponsors of the bill.


Senator Rick Scott said, “The fact that the Biden administration would even consider requiring Americans to use facial recognition system just to file their taxes is both unsurprising and deeply concerning. I’m glad that Biden’s IRS finally listened to my warnings and reversed its horrible proposal – but we must ensure this disastrous idea is never entertained again. The safety of Americans’ personal information must ALWAYS be a priority, which is why I am introducing my Ban IRS Biometrics Act. I thank the cosponsors for joining me in this fight and I urge my colleagues to support this important bill.”


Senator Mike Braun said, “The IRS should not be encroaching on the privacy and security of Americans by forcing them to submit biometric data in order to access essential government services. I’m proud to join Sen. Scott on this bill to put a stop to this intrusive policy and protect the privacy of millions of American taxpayers.”


Senator Ted Cruz said, “The IRS has absolutely no reason to force Americans to submit their biometric data in order to access government services. I am proud to join Senator Scott in introduction of the Ban IRS Biometrics Act to ensure the IRS is prohibited from implementing this gross invasion of privacy, especially given how politicized the IRS has become under the past two Democratic administrations.”


Senator Joni Ernst said, “The Biden administration continues to weaponize the IRS. First, they want to snoop into law-abiding small business owners’ finances, and now, they want to collect taxpayers’ biometric data in order to access basic services. We need to ensure these dangerous proposals are never enacted by the IRS, and I hope the Senate will take quick action on this legislation to protect American taxpayers.”


Senator John Kennedy said, “Washington has no right to require Americans to upload facial or other biometric scans to the government. The IRS has a track record of targeting law-abiding citizens, and Americans have little confidence that the IRS will protect their information. I’m thankful to partner with Sen. Scott to safeguard the privacy of U.S. citizens against Big Brother’s intrusion.”


Senator Tommy Tuberville said, “Given the IRS’s long history of data breaches and weaponization of taxpayer data, American taxpayers already have little trust in the agency. So, asking Americans to provide even more sensitive data is not only an invasion of privacy, but it’s also a security concern. This is another example of a big brother government proposal that would jeopardize Americans’ sensitive personal information.”

