ICYMI: Sen. Rick Scott in Fox Business: It's time for American businesses to cut ties with China

March 30, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, today in Fox Business, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed applauding American business leaders for stopping operations in Russia following Putin’s unjust invasion of Ukraine, and urging them to next decouple from Communist China ahead of its planned invasion of Taiwan. Senator Scott also called out the flawed thinking that groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce continue to embrace to protect short-term profits driven from keeping Communist China in U.S. supply chains.


In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “Earlier this month, I wrote an open letter to American business leaders with a simple message: it’s time to cut ties with and decouple our supply chains from Communist China to realign U.S. business with American values.


“Business groups in Washington, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, will push back on this idea. These groups continue to cozy up to Communist China and have made clear that they are more concerned with short-term profits than the future stability and prosperity of the American economy and American workers. That flawed and outdated way of thinking leaves Americans susceptible to Communist China’s espionage and the U.S. vulnerable to its continued lying and stealing of our intellectual property.


Since Vladimir Putin launched his war against Ukraine, American business leaders have taken action to isolate and cripple the Russian economy.


These companies should be applauded. They made the difficult but right choice to stop all operations in Russia, and Communist China may force that choice on them again.


As I outlined in my letter, Communist China’s invasion of Taiwan has become a question of ‘when,’ not ‘if.’ This is not speculation.


It is not unreasonable to believe that Communist China’s forces will follow the same playbook as Putin and commit horrific war crimes, murder civilians and use merciless power to take control of Taiwan.


We need a strategic economic decoupling from Communist China – that includes ending investment and partnerships with companies controlled by the CCP. This is something I have been calling for over a year.


Critics will say this is premature. Or more likely, they will say this is unrealistic. They’re wrong.


Communist China could easily threaten to sever supply chains and hold resources and even personnel hostage if the United States takes action to support Taiwan.


We have a moral, economic AND geopolitical imperative to decouple from Communist China and start now.”


Read the full op-ed in Fox Business HERE.

