IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Senator Rick Scott on La Voz de America: Maduro is a Genocidal Tyrant Just Like Putin. The U.S. Cannot Depend On One Murderous Dictator Over Another.

March 11, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In case you missed it, this week, in an interview with Jorge Agobian on La Voz de America, Senator Rick Scott spoke about the importance of the United States’ leadership in the fight for freedom, democracy, peace and stability in the world and condemned Biden’s total failure of political leadership and foreign policy.


After reports the Biden Administration is considering turning to Venezuela for oil to help cut off dependence on Russia, Senator Scott emphasized that the U.S. cannot depend on one murderous dictator over another, and Biden’s failed policies and incompetence not only emboldens dictators like Putin and Maduro, but has driven America backward and killed our energy independence.


During the interview, Senator Rick Scott says, “Maduro is a genocidal tyrant just like Putin. Biden has apparently forgotten that Maduro’s dictatorship has killed thousands or that Maduro aids narcoterrorists working to destabilize Colombia and Latin America, hosts Castro’s thugs and partners with enemies like Russia, Communist China, Iran and Hezbollah.”


Watch Senator Rick Scott's full interview with Jorge Agobian HERE.

