VIDEO RELEASE Democrats Block Vote on Sen. Rick Scott’s Amendment to Protect Medicare

March 8, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott asked for unanimous consent on the Senate floor for the Senate to take up and vote on his amendment to the Postal Service Reform Act, a bill that would force all future Postal Service retirees to obtain healthcare through Medicare. Without Senator Scott’s amendment, the Postal Service Reform Act would add about $6 billion in new costs to Medicare without any plan to pay for it. Senator Scott’s amendment would require the Postal Service to pay for the new costs to Medicare. Senate Democrats blocked Senator Scott’s request to simply have a vote on his amendment.


Senators Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Mike Braun and Chuck Grassley have co-sponsored Senator Scott’s amendment. The 60 Plus Association and Association of Mature American Citizens have endorsed Senator Scott’s amendment which ensures that postal reform legislation does not further jeopardize Medicare and its ability to serve Americans.


Senator Rick Scott said, “This legislation would add about $6 BILLION in new costs to Medicare even as Medicare costs are already skyrocketing. Passing this bill would further jeopardize Medicare and the 60 million Americans, including the 4.5 million Floridians, who rely on it. My amendment would fix this problem by requiring the Postal Service to pay for the new costs to Medicare that this bill will bring. For too long, Washington has treated Medicare like a piggy bank to fund programs unrelated to healthcare. We need to start do everything possible to protect America’s Medicare recipients and stop bankrupting our essential programs. It’s disturbing that Senate Democrats disagree.”


See more in the video HERE or below.
