VIDEO RELEASE: Florida Seniors Praise Sen. Rick Scott’s Fight to Protect Medicare Recipients

March 8, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, seniors from across Florida thanked Senator Rick Scott for his fight to protect America’s Medicare recipients. For weeks, Senator Scott has been sounding the alarm about the danger of provisions in the Postal Service Reform Act that would add about $6 billion in new costs to Medicare without any plan to pay for it. To ensure that postal reform legislation does not further jeopardize Medicare and its ability to serve Americans, especially the elderly, Senator Scott is fighting for an amendment, endorsed by 60 Plus and Association of Mature American Citizens, which would require the Postal Service to reimburse the Medicare Trust Fund for any new costs. The Congressional Budget Office has also confirmed that there will be at least $5 billion added to long-term Federal deficits.


See more in the video HERE or below.
