VIDEO RELEASE Sen. Rick Scott on Senate Floor: Washington is Running Medicare Into the Ground

March 2, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor about the looming insolvency of Medicare and the danger of provisions in the Postal Service Reform Act currently being considered by the Senate that would add about $6 billion in new costs to Medicare. As currently drafted, the bill adds new costs to Medicare without any plan to pay for them. To ensure that postal reform legislation does not further jeopardize Medicare and its ability to serve Americans, especially the elderly, Senator Scott has filed an amendment to the bill which would require the Postal Service to reimburse the Medicare Trust Fund for any new costs. CBO has also confirmed that there will be at least $5 billion added to long-term Federal deficits.


Senator Rick Scott said, “For decades, career politicians and the Washington establishment have treated Medicare like a piggy bank – drawing as much money as they want from it to pay for other unsustainable and unfunded programs. The proposed postal reform bill is a prime example of this reckless behavior. Shifting the healthcare costs of Postal Service retirees from the Postal Service to Medicare with no way to pay for it doesn’t help anybody. It doesn’t reduce costs, it just shifts them from one broken government program to another. I want real reform, and want to make sure retirees have the healthcare they’ve paid into and that the Postal Service is actually sustainable. I urge my colleagues to support my amendment and join me in demanding that Senator Schumer slow down and put this bill through the proper process. American taxpayers and voters who sent us here deserve better than this.”


See more in the video HERE or below.
