VIDEO RELEASE Sen. Rick Scott: The Senate Must Pass the BOLIVAR Act & Continue Punishing the Murderous Maduro Regime

March 16, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate Floor in support of his bill, the Banning Operations and Leases with the Illegitimate Venezuelan Authoritarian Regime (BOLIVAR) Act, which would prohibit federal agencies from doing business with anyone that supports the oppressive Maduro regime. Senator Scott’s remarks follow the news that a group of senior U.S. officials traveled to Venezuela to speak with Nicolas Maduro's thugs to explore the possibility of easing U.S. sanctions Maduro’s socialist regime.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Nicolas Maduro’s brutal oppression of the Venezuelan people is absolutely horrific, and we can all agree that the United States should not be bolstering such a disgusting, socialist regime. That’s why it’s so disturbing that President Biden secretly sent a team to Venezuela and began negotiations about the potential purchase of Venezuelan oil and easing of sanctions. Instead of working to promote American energy independence, Biden wants to appease dictators and make us more dependent on foreign oil. That’s wrong and the American people deserve better. We can never stop fighting for freedom and democracy, especially in our own hemisphere. The Senate can and should take action today to support the Venezuelan people’s fight for freedom by passing my BOLIVAR Act and ensuring that taxpayer dollars do not support Maduro’s genocidal regime.”


Watch more HERE or in the video below.
