PHOTO RELEASE: Sen. Rick Scott Becomes First U.S. Senator to Visit Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania

April 22, 2022

Photos Courtesy of the Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania 

VILNIUS, Lithuania – Yesterday, Senator Rick Scott became the first U.S. senator to visit the Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania. Senator Scott met with Eric Huang, head of the Taiwanese Representative Office, and discussed the importance of working together and continuing to stand up for human rights, freedom and ways to fight communist aggression around the world.


Senator Rick Scott said, “I have long been a strong and vocal supporter of Taiwan and advocated for the protection of its democracy. As Communist China’s threats against the peaceful people of Taiwan continue to grow more severe, the United States and our partners in democracy, like Lithuania, must stand strongly against Xi’s communist aggression. I could not be more proud to be the first United States senator to visit the Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania. During my meeting with Mr. Huang, I reaffirmed the importance of maintaining a strong partnership between the U.S., Taiwan and Lithuania, and reiterated my commitment to fight every day alongside our partners and allies to advance the causes of freedom, democracy and human rights around the world. Now is the time for the U.S. government and the entire American business community to show absolute economic and political support for nations like Lithuania that stand up to thugs like Xi and Putin and support fellow democracies like Taiwan. We must never back away from our commitment to freedom for all.”

