Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Agenda Devastates America, His Confusion & Lies Only Make Things Worse

April 28, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following reports that U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declined at a 1.4% annualized rate, Senator Rick Scott issued the following statement in response to Joe Biden’s confused lies about his plan to rescue America and the president’s failed agenda.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Today, in response to a horrific GDP report showing 1.4% annualized decline, the president issued a desperate statement lying about my plan to rescue America and calling on Congress to pass legislation to bolster U.S. supply chains, lower the federal deficit and stop inflation. That’s rich coming from the man who is single handedly responsible for historically high inflation, wants to raise the federal debt to $45 TRILLION, has no plan to balance the budget and whose failed leadership is pushing our nation into an economic recession where the labor participation rate is shockingly low.


“Joe Biden is clearly obsessed with my plan to rescue America and very confused about his own agenda that is devastating American families. Unlike Joe Biden, I’m a proven tax cutter. I’ve cut more taxes than anyone in Washington and even the liberal Washington Post has corrected Biden’s lies about me. Sadly, it’s no surprise after spending a year hiding in his basement before spending another year hiding in the White House and his Delaware vacation home, that Biden has lost his grip on reality. Thankfully, the American people aren’t buying his lies. As long as Biden and the Democrats keep trying to destroy this great country, I’ll be fighting to rescue it. We’ll stop at nothing to hold Biden and the radical Left responsible for the disasters they’ve created.”

