Sen. Rick Scott: America is Experiencing the Worst Border Crisis of Our Lives

July 15, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, following U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) releasing the latest southern border apprehension data showing that more than 2 MILLION people have illegally crossed the border since October 2021, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement:  


Senator Rick Scott said, “Americans are experiencing the worst border crisis of our lives and it is 100% the fault of President Biden and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. From day one, the Biden administration has shown an incredibly reckless disregard for U.S. immigration law and the consequences of this failed leadership are devastating. Florida is an immigration state, and we overwhelmingly support immigration into the United States—but it must be done LEGALLY. Last year, Joe Biden’s reckless policies allowed for more than TWO MILLION illegal aliens to unlawfully enter the United States. This year is on track to be even worse. Worse still, Joe Biden isn’t just keeping the border wide open, he’s burning taxpayer dollars on giving illegal aliens housing, cell phones and flights to go all over our country. As hardworking families in Florida struggle to get by thanks to Biden’s raging inflation and self-inflicted energy crises, his administration is giving freebies to people who break our laws and illegally cross our border. There is zero accountability in this administration and Americans should be livid.”


Senator Scott has repeatedly called for the resignation of DHS Secretary Mayorkas and recently introduced the Upholding the Law at Our Border Act, which requires the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the vetting and processing of illegal aliens apprehended along the southwest border and to ensure that all laws are being upheld.

