Sen. Rick Scott and Colleagues Blast Earmarks as Families Face Growing Inflation

July 8, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott announced his resolution with Senators Mike Braun and Steve Daines condemning Congress’ wasteful and reckless spending on member pet projects, known as earmarks. While American families are suffering from the highest inflation seen in forty years, caused primarily by reckless government spending, Senator Scott continues to lead the fight against earmarks and urge his colleagues to cut back on wasteful and reckless government spending that is causing inflation and making it harder for families to make ends meet.


Senator Rick Scott said, “I’ve always fought for greater control of government spending and limited government, and that includes fighting what Washington calls earmarks. Here’s what happens: the federal government takes the tax dollars of hardworking Americans from around the nation and uses thousands, sometimes millions, of dollars on pet projects that only benefit a small number of people. In this broken system, Washington says: Give us your money, and politicians who live across the country will redirect it wherever they like. Americans deserve and expect fiscal accountability, not to be used as a political piggybank. I’m proud to join my colleagues in this resolution to put an end to this wasteful Washington practice and take a step toward fiscal responsibility.”


Reckless FY 2023 earmarks include:

  • $3 MILLION for an art gallery in Brooklyn;
  • $600 THOUSAND for a greenhouse outside New York City;
  • $1.6 MILLION for “equitable shellfish aquaculture” in Rhode Island;
  • $2.5 MILLION to construct a new museum annex in Vermont;
  • $500 THOUSAND for horse management in Nevada; and
  • $500 THOUSAND to revitalize a ski club in New Hampshire.

